WSIB Claims Management
Safety First Consulting Professional Corporation is a licensed paralegal firm regulated by the Law Society of Ontario (LSO)
Our paralegal team provides a widespread WSIB claims Ontario management system that is designed to reduce and control an employer’s costs associated with workplace injuries and illnesses.

Our pro-active program begins at the point of occurrence and continues to the final resolution of the claim with a rapid response.
In cooperation with the WSIB Claims Management, Safety First offers complete management of the Return to Work (RTW) program. This service includes the following:
• Assistance with the completion of all WSIB claims forms
• Liaising with WSIB and health-care practitioners
• Full development and implementation of the work reintegration program with modified work packages
• Monitoring and followup of modified work progress
• Review of functional abilities information
• Representation at Return to Work meetings and Work Transition meetings with the WSIB
• Work reintegration plan review and assistance
• Second Injury & Enhancement Fund (SIEF) cost relief review
• Representation at WSIB and WSIAT appeal hearings
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Appeals
Safety First Consulting Professional Corporation provides representation and assistance for any Workplace Safety and Insurance (WSIB) Appeals as well as assistance and representation for the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT).
At Safety First Consulting Professional Corporation we recognize that WSIB claims can be very complicated for employers to manage. We strive to provide the best service and representation possible so clients can focus on their day-to-day business.