Ministry of Labour Stop Work Orders & Compliance Issues
The Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations are enforced by the Ontario Ministry of Labour. Ministry of Labour health and safety inspectors are typically appointed as Provincial Offences Officers under the Provincial Offences Act (POA) to ensure workplaces are in compliance with health and safety legislation. Their powers include the following:
- proactive and reactive inspections of provincially regulated workplaces
- issuance of requirements or administrative orders where there is a contravention of the OHSA or its regulations
- investigation of critical injuries, fatalities, work refusals and health and safety complaints, and,
- initiate prosecution under the POA in respect of offences under the OHSA and/or its regulations.

A Stop Work Order can be costly to your productivity and employee morale. A stop work order can require any place, equipment, machinery, material, process, etc., to not be used until the employer rectifies the contravention and is in compliance with the OHSA. All work can be stopped and the workplace cleared of workers and access to the workplace prevented until the hazard is removed.
Safety First Consulting Professional Corporation can provide complete support to your organization in the event of a Ministry of Labour Stop Work Order or Compliance Issue. We will assist your team in taking all corrective actions to meet compliance requirements and get you back to work.