COR™ 2020, SOSE and WSIB H&S Excellence Program Services
Recently, COR™ was enhanced to COR™ 2020 in order to help interested workplaces qualify for financial rewards and recognition from the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.
How is COR™ 2020 Different?
COR™ 2020 has reduced its audit tool to 14 elements by blending some of the existing elements and reducing the amount of redundancy.
The overall format has also changed in COR™ 2020. Organizations now have flexibility to tailor their program to best suit their needs while still meeting COR™ requirements.
SOSE, WSIB H&S Excellence Program and COR™ 2020
Supporting Ontario’s Safe Employers (SOSE) is a voluntary Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development program run by the Chief Prevention Officer (CPO). It promotes health and safety in the workplace and helps reduce injuries and illness. If your organization is recognized by the CPO, you will be eligible for financial rewards from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).
COR™ 2020 is your roadmap to accreditation and achieving SOSE. COR™ 2020 will show you exactly what you need to build a successful Occupational Health and Safety Management System, accredited by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development.
Safety First Consulting can assist you with developing your Health and Safety Management System which complies with new COR™ 2020 Program Standard.
Safety First Consulting can also assist you with implementing an accredited Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) which meets the criteria set by the CPO.
We can also assist you to work through the Health and Safety Excellence Program while pursuing COR™ 2020 and receive rebates and financial rewards through WSIB.
For more information about our COR™ 2020, SOSE and WSIB H&S Excellence Program Services, please contact us.