WSIB Rate Framework Modernization is Approved
On November 14, 2016 the WSIB officially approved the new Rate Framework. This new Rate Framework will have significant changes to the current WSIB premium structure. To view this updated message from the WSIB, please visit their website: New Message from Chair and President & CEO
This new system, which will not affect the total amount of premium dollars collected by the WSIB, aims to shift the distribution of premiums among individual employers based on their claims experience, while ensuring that employers are paying their fair share of workplace coverage.
The WSIB has set up a special website regarding these changes www.wsibrateframeworkreform.com if you would like more information. There are also several videos available for you to watch on these upcoming changes. We encourage you to take the time to review these resources to better understand how the changes will affect your organization.
You may email the WSIB directly at: consultation_secretariat@wsib.on.ca if you have any questions.
Our team of licensed paralegals are experts in WSIB claims management. If you have any questions or would like any assistance do not hesitate to contact us to see how we can help your organization manage WSIB claims, reduce claim costs and ensure you meet your WSIB obligations.