Investigate Every Accident
Whenever an accident occurs on site, it is imperative that a thorough investigation is completed and documented. Not all accidents will result in a WSIB claim, for example if the worker only received first aid, and does not lose time from work, a report to WSIB is not required. However a documented accident investigation will ensure you gather all the required information should circumstances ever change. What if the worker goes to the doctor days or weeks later, or the sustained injury gets worse and a worker does not report to work? Having a documented investigation at the time of incident will ensure you are prepared with all the information needed in order to make the right decisions on how to manage the claim. Documented investigations allow you to take photographs of the scene, obtain statements from the injured worker and witnesses, as well as determine the cause of the incident and any corrective action. These details can be significant should a worker return to you days or weeks later wanting to file a WSIB claim. Make sure you are always prepared – investigate ALL workplace accidents.
Our team of licensed paralegals can provide you with all the required support to effectively manage you claims. Call us today 905-669-5444 to see how we can help!