COR™ Services and Assistance

The Certificate of Recognition (COR™) is a national accreditation standard that verifies full implementation of an employer’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System. COR™ is often used as a condition of contract by the public and private sector across Canada.
We at Safety First Consulting can assist your company with development and implementation of a health and safety management system that meets the requirements of the Certificate of Recognition (COR™) Program Standard.
By achieving COR™, your company will be better prepared to demonstrate due diligence and have a greater advantage when bidding on work in the construction industry. Your company will have a proven higher standard for health and safety in the workplace.
Safety First Consulting has assisted over 30 clients with their COR™ certification. We have demonstrated the highest success rate helping our clients achieve COR™ certification.
For more information about our COR™ Services, please contact us.