COR™ Internal Audit Services
Prior to the COR™ external audit by the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA), your company must complete an internal audit on your health and safety program to ensure that you are meeting legislative and COR™ program requirements. We at Safety First Consulting can assist with:
- Training your internal auditor on how to compete COR Internal Audit.
- Preparation and collection of documentation for internal audit submissions.
- Assistance with completing the COR™ Audit Tool and other associated audit forms.
- Assistance with conducting worker and management interview.
- Assistance with highlighting and marking documents based on COR Audit instructions.
- Reviewing and compiling audit package for IHSA review.
Assistance with developing corrective action plan (cap)
If there are any deficiencies identified in Internal Audit, Safety First Consulting can assist with developing and implementing Corrective Action Plan based on the Audit Report.
For more information about our COR™ Internal Audit services, please contact us.