WSIB Appeals
If the WSIB makes a decision about a claim which you do not agree with you have the opportunity to ask for a reconsideration and/or file an appeal. The first step is to file an Intent to Object form.
This will allow the opportunity for the WSIB to review information in the case file, any new information you can provide, as well as have discussions with the worker and employer for any further clarification on the disputed issue. If the WSIB decision maker does not reconsider to your satisfaction you can proceed with the appeal, this can include a written or oral hearing.
Appeals can be a lengthy process but our licensed paralegals can provide you with expert advice and complete representation through the appeal process. We want to ensure decisions are fair and just, and in accordance with WSIB policy. A successful appeal could save you thousands of dollars! Call us today for a consultation 905-669-5444 or email info@safetyfirstconsulting.ca