What Is WSIB and How Does It Work?
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) provides injury and illness insurance for Ontario workplaces. The WSIB provides employers with no-fault collective liability insurance and workers with loss of earnings benefits and health care coverage in the event of a workplace accident or illness. The WSIB also provides help and support to get injured and ill workers back to work safely.
Employers are Required to Report an Incident to the WSIB within 3 days if the Worker:
> Loses time from work, or
> Earns less than a regular day’s pay, or
> Gets health care treatment (doctor, emergency room, walk-in clinic etc.), or
> Requires modified duties with full pay for more than 7 days
Once an eligible claim is filed and approved, workers may receive benefits and services to help with the recovery after a work-related incident. These benefits may include health care benefits, return to work services and income replacement.