What do you need to report in the critical injury/death notice to the Ministry of Labour?

Employers must notify the ministry, by telephone and in writing when any person is critically injured or killed at their workplace from any cause. This includes people who are not workers, for example, visitors or customers. The information you need to include in the notice will depend on the type of workplace. Generally, the written notice should include:
- the name and address of the employer or, for a dive site, the name and address of the person writing the notice
- the name and address of the constructor if there is one, for example, on construction projects
- a description of what happened and the injuries to the person
- a description of the machinery, equipment or procedure involved
- the time and place of the incident
- the name and address of the person who was injured or killed
- names and addresses of all witnesses to the incident and, for mining workplaces, the names and addresses of all workers and supervisors involved
- name and address of the physician or surgeon or another medical practitioner, if any, who attended to the person who was injured or killed
- if the workplace is a construction project, health care or residential facility or dive site, the steps taken to prevent a recurrence
If you are unsure of your reporting requirements or want the assistance of expert safety professionals, call Safety First Consulting Professional Corporation today 905-669-5444