Safety Signage in the Workplace
From construction sites to sidewalks under renovation, safety signs can be used to clearly identify the potential hazards or dangers present. Specifically, signs that are used on construction sites can significantly reduce a worker’s risk of potential injury, illness, and incidents.
Many signs used today can either be illuminated or in bright colors to alert both workers and the public to potential hazards. Safety signs play an important role in keeping the workplace a safe working environment.
Benefits of Proper Signage
There are several benefits to having signs located within the workplace, especially in construction sites where there are hazards from both below and above ground. Some of the benefits are as follows:
1. Provides Clear Communication
Clearly identifying who is in potential danger and where the danger may be located are ways of communicating potential hazards in the workplace. Signs such as “Head Protection Required” can protect a worker from falling or flying debris, loud tools and machinery, or improper maintenance of equipment. Without proper PPE, workers’ chances of becoming injured are significantly increased.
Signs also clearly indicate where the danger may be located. For example, signs indicating “Ensure Respirator is Worn at All Times” help workers clearly identify there is a nearby potential risk of inhaling hazardous dusts/particles while on site.
Signs may also be useful in guiding workers to specific areas on a job site. For example, signage related to “First Aid Station”, or “Eye Wash Station” can provide workers with a clearer understanding of where they can go in the event of an emergency. They provide both function and direction which helps to reduce the number of workplace accidents.
2. Protecting Workers and Public
Besides workers on a construction site, safety signage also protects the public from entering any unsafe conditions, such as risk of falling debris. Proper communication of these dangers helps the public walking near a construction site be more conscious of their surroundings and look out for any potential dangers they may be exposed to. For example, signs such as “Danger Due To Slippery Floor” may prevent someone from injuring themselves on a job site. Providing the appropriate information on signage is a clear way of warning the public about potential hazards.
Examples of Common Safety Signage in the Workplace:
- “Danger Due To”
- “Caution – Watch for Moving Equipment”
- “Notice – All Visitors Must Report To Site Office”
- “Caution – Watch For Moving Equipment”
- “Eye Wash Station”
- “First Aid Station”
- “No Smoking”
By implementing safety signage around site, workers can feel safer working on-site and follow proper safe work practices at all times. With the proper safety signage, employers can ensure the safety of their workers, as well as the public, is always being protected.