Reporting to the Ministry of Labour

Employers must notify the ministry, by telephone and in writing when any person is critically injured or killed at their workplace from any cause. This includes people who are not workers, for example, visitors or customers.
If someone is critically injured or killed at your workplace:
- Call 911 in an emergency (and get first aid if needed)
- Call 1-877-202-0008 to report the incident to the Ministry of Labour’s Health and Safety Contact Centre. You can make a report to this number at any time of the day.
- Call or tell the joint health and safety committee or health and safety representative and the union (if there is one), about the incident
- Notify the Ministry of Labour, in writing, within 48 hours of the incident. Make sure to:
- address the notice to “Attention: Director”
- mail or fax it, to the Ministry of Labour regional office closest to the workplace where the incident happened
If you are unsure of your reporting requirements or want the assistance of expert safety professionals, call Safety First Consulting Professional Corporation today 905-669-5444.