Ontario COVID-19 Safety Guidelines

As Ontario begins to prepare for a gradual reopening of the provincial economy, the government has released safety guidelines for employers to help ensure the protection of workers, customers, and the general public from COVID-19.
These new sector-specific guidelines feature recommended actions employers can begin to plan for as they prepare to adapt to the new reality during COVID-19, including:
- Ways to ensure appropriate physical distancing, like eliminating pay-at-the-door options, holding team meetings outdoors, staggering shift times and using ground markings and barriers to manage traffic flow.
- Changes to the workplace, like installing plexiglass barriers, increasing the air intake on building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to increase air flow, and using boot sanitizing trays.
- Promoting proper workplace sanitation, providing personal protective equipment, substituting dry dusting with vacuuming, ensuring customer-facing staff are given hand sanitizer, providing a place to dispose of sanitizing wipes, and enforcing handwashing before and after breaks.
The 61 sector-specific guidelines are available here from Ontario’s health and safety associations.
Guidelines for construction are available here.
Our team of Health and Safety Consultants have been working diligently with businesses who remain open to provide the tools and resources needed to keep everyone safe and healthy during this pandemic.
Should you require any support during this difficult time, please reach out to our office at 905-669-5444.