Heated Bathrooms
Effective July 1st, changes will be made to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its standard for workplace hygiene. Pursuant to regular 213/91 under the OHSA, all employers are required to keep all facilities in good repair at all times, specifically in reference to bathrooms on-site. Each facility must provide adequately lighting, heating, ventilation, and protection from falling objects and the weather.
Facilities must also be provided to both male and female workers, where female facilities must also include disposal container for sanitary napkins.
If construction sites are located in an unpopulated, remote area, alternative measures must be used to provide all workers with their right to health and safety in the workplace.
Establishing clean and suitable hygienic facilities in the workplace ensures employers are due diligent in taking reasonable care and caution of their workers. Compliance to the regulation amendments must be followed, effective by July 1st.
For more information regarding the OHSA and its substituted regulations, please refer to https://www.ontario.ca/page/achieve-compliance-construction-sites-hygiene or https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/910213