Inspect Your Hard Hat!

Did you know your hard hat has an expiration date? Most hard hats need to be replaced 5 years from the date of manufacture. You can find the manufacture date stamped on the inside of the hat. Most hard hats indicate the manufacture date on a dial, with the year in the centre, and an arrow pointing to the month. If you are unsure about how to read the date, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Take a moment to inspect your hard hat. Check for any cracks, dents, or cuts. Damage can affect the integrity of the hardhat and leave it susceptible to fail when you may need it most. Hard hat material can wear over time and exposure to the elements, causing it to become brittle. Check the suspension for signs of tears or cracks, and ensure the straps are not frayed, twisted, or worn out. Exposure and every day wear and tear may require your hard hat to be replaced more often. Hard hats that are poorly maintained or improperly used can fail. This can result in serious injury, or even death. It’s important that you always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
If your hard hat shows any signs of damage, or has expired, make sure to replace it immediately and always inspect your hard hat every day before you use it.