Competent Supervisors
Section 25.2(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act states that, “an employer shall, when appointing a supervisor, appoint a competent person”. What does this mean for you? Employers must ensure supervisors are experienced, knowledgeable and more specifically trained. Supervisors must understand their duties and responsibilities under the Act for keeping the workplace and workers safe. Supervisors must understand their legal and reporting requirements, including the role of the Ministry of Labour and Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB). Supervisors must understand the roles and responsibilities of all workplace parties, the Joint Health and Safety Committee and Health and Safety Representatives. Supervisors must be aware of workplace hazards, ensure controls are in place, and most importantly train and inform workers of these hazards and controls. Supervisors must ensure workers follow safe work procedures, wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and report any hazards. The best way to ensure you appoint a competent supervisor is through training.
At Safety First Consulting our Registered Professional Trainers can conduct Basics of Supervision training for your supervisors. This 8-hour course is designed for individuals working in a supervisory role to enhance the capabilities of the supervisor. Participants will go through an extensive theoretical program which includes an evaluation. Course topics include:
- Introduction to Supervision
- Communication Skills
- Legislation/OHSA
- Workplace Parties
- Inspections
- Emergency Response
- Accident/Incident Investigations
- Documentation/Record Retention
By enrolling your supervisors in this training course, you can be confident that your supervisors are given the knowledge and tools to be effective supervisors, as well as ensuring your due diligence and compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Training can be conducted at our training facility, or at your location for convenience. Contact us today to schedule Basics of Supervision training.
Feel free to contact our Workplace Health and Safety Ontario team here .