About the Company
At Safety First Consulting, the health and safety of your company is our priority. With a team of expert, dedicated professionals, Safety First will give your company the assistance it requires in order to achieve complete compliance with government health and safety regulations.
We offer this assistance through a wide variety of services:
Health and Safety Programs and Compliance
- Occupational Health and Safety Program Development
- Workplace Site Safety Inspections
- Hazard Recognition and Controls
- Pre-Start Safety Meetings
- Auditing and Gap Analysis
Health and Safety Training and Certification Programs
- Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS & GHS 2015)
- Working at Heights and Working at Heights Refreshers
- Standard First Aid & CPR (Canadian Red Cross)
- Propane Heaters and Torches in Construction CH-02 (TSSA Approved)
- Basics of Supervision/Supervisor Competency
- Supervisor Awareness Training
- Worker Awareness Training
- Traffic Control Person
- Fire Extinguisher Training
COR™ Services and Assistance
- Program Gap Analysis and COR™ Program Development
- COR™ Program Implementation
- Internal Audit Assistance
- COR™ Maintenance and Monitoring
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Claims Management
- Full WSIB Claims Management Support
- Return to Work Programs
- Return to Work Meetings and Consultation
- Work Transition Meetings and Consultation
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Appeals
- WSIB Appeal Branch Assistance and Representation
- WSIAT (Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal) Assistance and Representation
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Revenue Services
- WSIB Revenue Audit Consultation and Representation
- Revenue Projection for Lost Time Claims
- CAD-7 and NEER assistance
- Rate Framework
How do our services work?
Our staff begins with an audit of your company’s current health and safety program. This audit will identify any present or potential problems in your system, and will lead to recommendations on how to go about solving and preventing these issues. Once this step is complete, the consultant will create a schedule by which these preventative activities may take place, which the employer approves according to his or her own schedule.
Factors such as the size of the project, the number of sub-contractors and the number of workers will determine how much time is required to complete these preventative measures and achieve complete compliance.
Working directly with the Health and Safety Personnel or the Health and Safety Representative of the company, Safety First creates a set of fresh policies and procedures. Finally, we work with the JHSC to ensure that this new program is effective, and we ensure that the company’s supervisors and management team thoroughly understand the required legislation.