3 Things You Need To Know About WSIB
“What is WSIB?” is a common question workers may ask their employer. How does it benefit them, and what is the process to making a claim?
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) provides no-fault insurance in the event that a worker is injured or becomes ill while on the job. Depending on the situation, the WSIB may provide:
- Wage loss benefits
- Ensure coverage for health care costs
- Support in returning to work safely
“Who is covered by WSIB?” With limited exceptions, most businesses in Ontario that employ workers must register and pay into the WSIB to ensure coverage for their workers. The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act lists the industries automatically covered by the WSIB.
“What is WSIB insurance?” WSIB requires employers to pay premiums to the WSIB based on their payroll and the frequency and severity of the employer’s accident history.
How WSIB insurance works:
- If a worker is injured or becomes ill because of their job they can claim benefits from the WSIB if they receive health care, and/or have lost time or wages from work (beyond the day of accident/illness), or requires modified work for more than 7 days.
- Employers and the injured worker are required to submit reports, providing details about the workplace injury or illness. Employers can contest a workers claim if there is a lack of evidence to support that an injury or illness occurred in the workplace.
- Employers and the injured worker are obligated to participate in the return to work process. This may include modifying job duties to ensure suitability if the worker has any restrictions or requires accommodation. The primary goal is getting the injured worker back to work as soon as possible.
WSIB claims can get complicated and demand significant time to manage. This is where Safety First Consulting can be an asset to your organization. Our team of licensed paralegals are experts in the field of WSIB claims management.
WSIB Claims Management is one of the many services offered by Safety First Consulting. We provide complete claims management from the time an injury/illness occurs, ensuring reporting requirements and return to work obligations are met. Effective claims management ensures that claim costs are reduced, and workers are effectively returned to work. To find out more about this service, visit .